Version: 1.3.3
Size: 0 Mb
galleri5 Screenshots
How to install galleri5 apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
galleri5 Details
galleri5 is a visual discovery platform to find amazing photos on topics you like. It organizes the universe of beautiful & amazing photos (tagged with location) taken by everyday users into interest-based topics, which can help you visually discover stuff like:- new and inspiring places to travel to
- interest-based activities to try out
- amazing things to cook OR
- just get inspired by beautiful photos that will put a smile on your face
It also encourages you to add your amazing photos from your mobile phones or your FB or Insta albums with people who will definitely love your photos and the topics upon which your photos are based upon. Moreover you earn Karma, every time your photos get Hi Fived.
Key features available on galleri5:
- Add your photos straight from your Instagram or Facebook albums or from your Phone
- Follow interest-based galleries to see photos on these topics posted by any user on galleri5
- Always get to see the most awesome images from galleries you are following
- Know the location and other information about the photo you see
- 'Hi Five' photos to galleries they should belong to
- Earn karma and scale up the leaderboard by adding amazing photos & 'Hi Fiving' photos to relevant galleries
So the next time you are planning a road-trip to an unexplored place or trying a new exotic cake at home, make sure you have checked out the beautiful galleries on galleri5 that will help you go and do your thing!
You can check us out on
What's new in galleri5 1.3.3
Sharing just got beautiful with galleri5! Share galleries and not just individual photos. Why keep them to yourself?Share any and every gallery - from travel to food to fashion & decor - you have over 1,500 amazing galleries that you can share with your friends on various social platforms.
How do you do it? Just open any gallery and click on the share button on the top. Its as simple as that!
Download galleri5 1.3.3 mod APK
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How to use galleri5 unlimited apk
How to mod galleri5 1.3.3 apk
How to get galleri5 mod apk