How to download Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0 unlimited apk for pc - APK Face

How to download Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0 unlimited apk for pc

Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom.apk 1.0
Name: Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom.apk
ID: com.dfen.hamster
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb

Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom Screen Preview

How to get Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom patch 1.0 apk for bluestacks
How to download Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom lastet apk for laptop
How to mod Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0 mod apk for pc

How to setup Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom Description

"Violent-comedy themed maze game with 'Hamster vs Kitty' style"

The nightmare for Daniel Januar begins as his owner left him alone in the house with Hell-O Kitty. Hell-O Kitty may act cute in the presence of their owner, but don't be fooled, because he's actually a devil cat >:D

Help Daniel Januar -- a hamster -- to save his children and avoid getting killed as Hell-O Kitty traps him in the maze of doom! Block the hamster's way so he will be forced to choose the right way and reach the goal. But watch out, because Kitty lurks in the maze -- and also sets up traps to torture Daniel Januar!

Challenge yourself to solve all 10 levels of maze in 2 chapters!
More levels are coming soon in chapter 3

Avoid traps set up by Kitty: holes, needles, punching gloves, and also the Kitty himself. Most of them will torture and kill Daniel slowly but surely...

Need more challenge? Challenge yourself more by solving the levels in certain condition -- limited time and limited number of blocks -- to earn yourself some hamster treats!

Bahasa Indonesia
"Game labirin bertemakan 'Hamster vs Kucing' dengan unsur komedi dan sarkasme"

Mimpi buruk bagi Daniel Januar dimulai ketika pemiliknya meninggalkan dirinya di rumah dengan Hell-O Kitty. Hell-O Kitty
mungkin bisa bersikap baik di depan pemiliknya, tapi jangan tertipu, karena sebenarnya dia sangat kejam >:D

Bantu Daniel Januar -- seekor hamster -- untuk menyelamatkan anak-anaknya dan bertahan hidup di dalam labirin yang disiapkan oleh Hell-O Kitty! Buat jalan untuk si hamster dengan menaruk balok sehingga dia bisa mencapai tujuan dan kabur dari labirin. Namun, Daniel harus berhati-hati, karena Kitty menunggu di dalam labirin -- dan juga menaruh jebakan-jebakan untuk menyiksa Daniel Januar!

Bantu Daniel Januar kabur dari 10 level labirin yang ada di 2 chapter!
COMING SOON: Level-Level baru di chapter 3

Hindari jebakan yang disiapkan oleh Kitty: lubang, jarum, sarung tinju, dan juga Kitty sendiri. Jebakan-jebakan itu akan membunuh Daniel secara perlahan namun pasti..

Butuh tantangan lebih? Pecahkan semua level dengan kondisi tertentu -- waktu terbatas dan jumlah balok terbatas -- untuk mendapatkan hamster treats!

What's new in Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0

Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom | 12 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

Download Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0 unlimited APK

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How to use Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom mod apk
How to mod Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom 1.0 apk
How to get Hell-O Kitty: Maze of Doom unlimited apk