Version: 1.0
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Japji Sahib - punjabi Screenshots
How to install Japji Sahib - punjabi apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Japji Sahib - punjabi Details
Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of the Sikh religion had composed Japji Sahib and it is printed on the beginning page Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Japji Sahib is enumerated by Sikhs every morning regularly as their main song of God. It is also treated as the holy Gurbani or Salok or Nitnem Bani and listened and recited by Sikh people with great respect and gratitude.Why do you need this Japji Sahib App?
Many Sikh people do various professional jobs or business, and they have to travel worldwide. During traveling, they have to also recite Japji Sahib every morning to pray their God and this app will help them in enumerating their prayer flawlessly.
Also at home, this Japji Sahib Audio App can be played well to convert the environment into the spiritual. It is the main way of worshipping Sikh religion God.
1. Excellent quality Audio playback music and song of Jaap Sahib available
2. Lyrics in Japji Sahib in Punjabi and in English are available
3. The playing lines through audio player will be emphasized.
This app is free to download and you will be happy to listen this app instead of buying the DVD from the market.
This app provides audio and lyrics display of Japji Sahib. In addition to this, it also highlights the line which is being played by audio player. Through this holy song path , the Sikh people worship Satnam Shri Waheguru and grow their Gurmat Gyan. This Japji App plays an important role is bringing of Shabad Gurbani near Sikh people to keep them on the path of Truth and spiritual thought. So, Japji Sahib Ji can be considered as the medium of spreading Sikh Gurbani.
The Japji Sahib is tranquil of a prominent and incisive summary of Sikh ideology. Download now!
What's new in Japji Sahib - punjabi 1.0
First release of Japji Sahib - Punjabi on Android by Publisher who is selling highest number of it on iPhone.Download Japji Sahib - punjabi patch 1.0 APK
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